Allied Interests

The Mysterious Underground Energies

Geopathic Stress and Earth Acupuncture

The Emperor Da Yu (born. 2205 BC) depicted in a Han Dynasty Bas Relief: “Yu (founder) of the Xia Dynasty was a master in the science of the earth (Xiang Di) and in those matters concerning water veins and springs; he was well acquainted with the Yin principle and, when required, built dams”. This is perhaps the earliest illustration of the use of a divining rod.

The surface of the earth is woven with a pattern of etheric threads identical in energy and importance to the meridians of the human body. Chen Su Xiao [d.1332 C.E.] wrote: “In the subterranean regions there are alternate layers of earth and rock and flowing spring waters. These strata rest upon thousands of vapours (qi) which are distributed in tens of thousands of branches, veins and threadlike openings…The body of the earth is like that of a human being… Water flows in subterranean courses called Lung Mai – Dragon Meridians. Passing to and fro out of sight, the hidden veins of water serve, like the bloodstream of animals, to remove impurities from the body of the earth… and to deposit curative minerals within it… The earth’s circulatory system is matched by an ever-undulating network of currents in the atmosphere. The currents, running through the mai / meridians, carry the qi / breaths of life”.1


These meridians are important to the health and growth of the natural realms of the landscape, and any traumatic interruption to their strength and harmonious flow has subtle but profound effects upon the health of the local natural life above: resulting stagnation in their qi flows gives rise to toxic sha qi, poisonous energy which rises vertically from these underground meridians and can have major health implications for those living directly above.

The earth’s underground meridians, most notably the Mountain Dragon veins that follow ridges and spurs, and the underground Water Dragon veins often found every few metres, are regularly disturbed by excavations for e.g. building foundations, road and railway tunnels, cuttings and embankments, quarries and mines. In many cultures offerings have traditionally been made to the local landscape spirits before such works are undertaken, as for example in foundation stone ceremonies, to minimise any such disturbance.

Knowledge of the mysterious underground energies and the ability to divine their precise location is as integral to the Chinese Feng Shui tradition as it is to other geomantic traditions of the world. The personification of the telluric currents as the consciousness of the subterranean Dragon, Serpent, or Crocodile spirit is a global image. Whether named Lung, Naga, Nak, Wyvern or Wonambi, these beings are variously respected, feared, appeased, tamed and honoured the world over. The term Dragon has been historically applied to any line of power and associated consciousness within the landscape.
The aim of Feng Shui is to seek the healthy qi (sheng qi) and avoid the unhealthy qi (sha qi). Sha refers nowadays to any hostile qi or form in the environment that is threatening to health or fortune, which could be an astrological threat arising in a chart, or a visible psychological or tangible threat in the local landscape, but the root meaning refers to what we now call geopathic stress:

Fig 2 Ong Hean Tatt Amazing Scientific Basis of Feng Shui Kuala Lumpur Eastern
Dragon Press 1997 p336 Dr L Wieger SJ Chinese Characters Trans Davroux L 1927 1965 2nd
Ed New York Dover Paragon pp65 126 290

The Chinese ideogram for sha / killing qi (top), derives from the sub-characters sha / to decapitate or slay (middle), and huo / fire, ascending flames (bottom): thus a killing fire force coming from beneath the ground.

Classical Chinese understanding of the nature of the unhealthy qi that can rise from within the earth accords closely with the modern western dowsing traditions’ knowledge of the dangers of geopathic stress, as the Ming Dynasty text ‘Shui Peng Ba Zhen Fa’ or ‘The Eight Needles of The Water Compass Method’ reveals. A protocol is elaborated for divining a variety of underground dangers, including radiations from underground streams and cavities, geological faults, mineral deposits, old wells, tombs, abattoirs and battlegrounds.

The wet compass needle method was superseded by the dry compass needle in the Ming dynasty. Since that time the dipping and trembling movements of the delicately balanced needle in the central Heaven Pool of the Luo Pan have been used to divine the nature of the underground qi of a site. These vertical movements of the Heaven Pool needle are used in the same way as are divining rods and pendulum in the Western geomantic traditions, and a reading can thus be taken of the state of the Mysterious Underground Energies, in conjunction with noting the rotation of the needle that yields Compass Schools directionology.

To this traditional list of ‘Mysterious Underground Energies’ modern geopathic stress research has added a detailed differentiation of different types of earth energy line, including underground water veins and their associated information fields (‘white’ or ‘black’ streams in the terminology of traditional
European dowsing), straight overground leys and their attendant yang and yin currents and information fields (holy or disturbed spirit-paths), global geomagnetic grids such as the Hartmann and Curry grids (with their geopathogenic nodes), radon gas (especially with geological faulting but also wherever earth meridian flows are stagnant); as well as more recent environmental sha such as DC field disruptions from metal objects (most injuriously bed-frames and mattress springs), AC pulsed electro-magnetic fields from proximity to electric cables and motors, industrial and medical ionising radiation sources, and microwave and radio-wave electro-smog.

Fig 3 Types of geopathic stress and other environmental sha

The two broad categories of geopathic disturbance are yin, or discharging field, and yang, or charging field, ranging from the geomagnetic baseline of 65,000 nanoTesla by up to 8,000 nT either way.

Fig 4 Unfortunate bed location in strong discharging field zone crossing of
two underground streams with added Hartmann and Curry double negative
grid crossings bottom right charging field geological fault4

This complex example shows an extreme possibility of geopathic stress. The bed is situated over a negative intersection of the Curry Net, which happens to coincide with a negative intersection of the Hartmann Grid. Below the bedroom are two underground streams that cross. Thus, the bed is over an extremely yin geopathic area. Over a period of time the occupant would have a high probability of developing cancer.

Associated medical symptoms

The yang fields are especially associated with geological fault zones, mineral deposits, leys and ley crossings, and double-positive global geomagnetic grid crossings. Yang fields potentiate excess-yang medical conditions such as hypertension, schizophrenia, epilepsy, inflammations and fast-growing tumours.
The yin fields are associated with underground water flows and hollows, double-negative global geomagnetic grid crossing points, and stagnation of meridian qi flow; where two stressed underground streams cross the effect is strengthened, edge-line crossing points being particularly dangerous and linked with the precise site of tumour growth or other problems.

A further distinction can be drawn between the natural piezo-electric effect of undergound water flowing through rock, and the quality of healthy or distressed information carried by the water line.

Once the information field associated with an underground water dragon contains landscape trauma and resulting stagnant qi flow, all manner of psychic as well as physical toxins can accumulate in the so-called ‘sha’ stream. From this perspective, if a child complains of monsters under the bed, they are probably right. Ascendance of degenerative over generative and regenerative qi occurs in places directly over-lying such sha streams.
The most frequently found symptoms occurring at an early stage of exposure to such geopathic stress (GS), perhaps immediately on moving to a new house, are sleep disturbances. Early pathological symptoms include restlessness, difficulty in getting to sleep, excessive dreaming, excessively heavy sleep and sleep requirements, waking unrefreshed, cold or restless feet and legs in bed, asthma and respiratory difficulties at night, fatigue and lethargy, unexplained mood changes, aggression and depression.

Over time vital qi depletion states can worsen to provoke arthritis, many symptoms associated with chronically impaired gastro-intestinal, lymphatic and immune systems, infertility, endocrine disturbances, heart and skin diseases, mental disorders, and ultimately wasting and paralysing conditions such as cancers, leukaemia and lymphomas (especially linked with an electro-pollution component), multiple sclerosis, neuropathies, myopathies and other degenerative disorders. Feng Shui traditions and modern Western dowsing literature show a remarkable concordance of experience regarding the medical effects of exposure to geopathic stress.5
The German dowser Baron Gustav Freiherr von Pohl was asked to dowse the small town of Vilsbiburg in 1929, having then the highest per capita cancer death rate in Bavaria. He discovered a 100 per cent correlation between the location of beds of cancer victims and the paths of sha streams passing through the town.

Fig5 Baron von Pohls map of the black or sha streams of Vilsbiburg6

He did the same in Grafenau in 1930, with the lowest cancer incidence in the province, and again found a 100 per cent correlation with the very few cases. He repeated the exercise later in the City of Stetten, with the result that Dr. Harger, chairman of the city’s medical scientific association, declared that the ‘deadly earth currents’ ran beneath the beds of all the 5,348 people who had died from cancer during the previous 21 years.

Baron von Pohl also developed a dowsed scale of 1 to 16 to rate the strength of GS, still used by some dowsers today, where a combined tally of 9 or above from streams crossing is likely to give rise to cancer.
There may be found specific tones within particular distressed underground water dragon meridians – most notoriously cancer, but also for example Crohn’s disease, kidney stones or divorce generating lines can be identified with an extraordinarily high incidence of such problems occurring in residences sited along them.

Compass Schools cross-over

Where sha streams pass under the home, the siting of a patient’s bed is usually the most crucial location for health, after which come the usual arm-chair and working desk chair spot. Where a GS line runs across or through other key points in a property besides the bed, such as the front door, front gate, or tai ji in the centre of a house, the quality of qi entering the property will be compromised and the whole building will suffer.

Where the Feng Shui form of a building or landscape is poor, the effects of GS will be worse. Sha lines passing under particular Compass Schools sectors will compromise those portents: for example, just as a sha stream passing under the tai ji will compromise the health of the whole household, one passing through the north-west corner will hurt the father, or the whole household’s central nervous system (via Later Heaven Qian Gua in the Ba Gua), as well as anyone sleeping directly over it. Where GS lines coincide with sectors in a Ba Zhai, Ming Gua or Fei Xing chart, the type of effect that the GS will provoke can be anticipated: it can deplete a good portent or activate a bad one, so for example a line through the Jue Ming (severed fate) portent, or a 2-5 star combination sector in a bedroom is particularly inauspicious.

Representative medical case histories

  1. Female, 40s, with 3cm malignant tumour in upper-right right breast. Dowsing revealed a crossing of sha stream edge lines under the bed exactly at the location of the tumour in her usual sleeping position. Earth acupuncture to resolve all geopathic stress in the home, plus Earth and Water Element cures to relevant ming gua sectors. Tumour removed by surgery, natural medicine to heal and strengthen, recommended 6-monthly checks of Earth Meridians to prevent recurrence.
  2. Male, 50s, with 6 cm. malignant oesophageal tumour. Dowsing revealed a crossing of sha stream edge lines under the bed precisely in the region of the oesophagus. Earth acupuncture performed throughout the property to resolve geopathic stress. Tumour completely vanished by next scan three weeks later to doctors’ astonishment (we could wish that this was so in every case).
  1. Male, 30s, with massive fast-growing liver tumour. Dowsing revealed a very strong geopathic stress pattern similar to that represented in Fig. 4, with the addition of a geological fault line running across the lower half of the bed. Earth acupuncture plus recommendation to move the bed to a different bedroom. Died within days.
  2. Female, 50s, with recurrent minor respiratory infections and mid-back pains despite a healthy diet and lifestyle and regular natural medicine. Dowsing revealed two low-grade sha streams crossing under the bed. Earth acupuncture to resolve geopathic stress repeated yearly, reports a much stronger immune system with almost no recurrence of viral infections for last three years.
  3. Female, 40s, presenting with unexplained stabbing pains in right groin experienced for over a year. Pains were unresponsive to 3 months of acupuncture and cranio-sacral therapy, earth acupuncture to resolve low-grade geopathic stress under the bed helped reduce frequency and duration of attacks slightly; pains vanished completely days after removing the dartboard used by her teenage sons from the tai ji area in the centre of the home.

Other signs and symptoms in the environment

The signs and symptoms of GS will vary from person to person and place to place depending on both biological and environmental factors. The age, nutritional and general health of the inhabitants, their constitutional weaknesses and strengths and pre-existing pathologies, and duration of exposure all play a part.

Environmental factors include local geology, the specific natures of the GS lines and nodes, the strength and severity of the GS-charged energy fields, their exact paths and positions relative to key areas in the house, the presence of other environmental toxins from chemicals and electromagnetics to mould and dust, the form of the natural and built environment around, the health of the local earth landscape and the ability it has to “breathe” and therefore detoxify, and the weather and climate.
Behavioural pathologies may be provoked or exacerbated where there is GS present. These can range from bed-wetting, tantrums, lying, and fear of monsters under the bed, to verbal, physical or sexual abuse of spouses, children, or others. Also potentiated can be learning and classroom difficulties,7 hostile staff relations, and stressed family relationships – some couples report getting along much better when they are out of their home, or even a particular room, while some houses get a local reputation as ‘divorce houses’, just as some are ‘cancer houses’, ‘bad luck’ houses or ‘haunted’ houses.

Bad neighbour syndrome can frequently be traced to a sha stream flowing from aggressor to victim’s property. Other signs include location specific aggression and road rage, vandalism, burglary, difficulty selling a property, fighting, financial decay, corruption, fraud, social unrest, and recurrent bad luck in all its forms, from clumsiness to recurring poor workmanship onsite and worse.

Sick Building Syndrome is a recurring theme. The World Health Organisation estimate that 30% of offices, hotels, institutions and industrial premises have S.B.S., causing: headaches, tension between staff, lethargy, respiratory infection, dry skin and throat, eye symptoms, loss of concentration, depression, stress and fatigue, leading to a high rate of absenteeism, increased staff turnover, and lowered morale. While ELF and RF fields, chemical pollution and air quality are undoubtedly major factors, SBS is generally rooted in the presence of sha streams under the property.

Sha qi can be spread from the path of the streams throughout a building by the steel construction frame, wiring loom and pipework, just as it is spread along railway tracks or a metal bed frame. Thus a steel-framed cattle shed with sha streams running through it will usually feel much more stressed than an older brick and wood barn, in which the animals generally know to avoid spending time on the bad lines if they can.

Physical decay is a common sign, and the path of a sha stream can often be traced across a house by following the piles of chronically unresolved clutter. Other clues include piles of rubbish, derelict areas, long-unmended window glass, cracks, flaws and faster decay in plaster, brick and paintwork, signs of subsidence, recurring mechanical and electrical breakdowns and blowing light-bulbs, and accident blackspots both within the home and outside. Fruit and vegetables, grain, ale, cheese, jam, wine and photographic film will all spoil more quickly when stored in the wrong place.

Fig 6 Various effects of stressed underground water veins as illustrated by Dr Joseph Kopp

Animals are sensitive to the subtleties of earth energies, and, most mammals instinctively avoid spending time over sha streams, gravitating instead to sheng qi streams i.e. the healthy, clean, free-flowing underground water dragon meridians that have not been stressed and stagnated by landscape trauma. Dogs will instinctively avoid kennels and beds on GS lines, though obedience to their human’s instructions can be the death of them. Birds are reckoned to be most sensitive and won’t nest or congregate over GS, and horses reckoned most resilient, though many chronically ill or injury-prone horses are found to be stabled on Sha streams.

Cats, owls, corvids, snakes, slugs and snails are however attracted to sha streams, and a cat’s favourite sleeping place (in the absence of an obvious source of warmth) is very often a sure clue to the location of a sha stream crossing. Local cats will gather in the neighbourhood GS hot-spot. A cat who regularly sleeps in the same spot on a bed is certainly performing a diagnostic, and possibly a protective function, though if the GS is too strong the cat will also suffer. Owls and corvids will also not nest there if it is too strong.
Animals that choose regular toilet areas, such as dogs and alpacas, will choose the strongest GS area within their patch. Insects, parasites, bacteria and
viruses also thrive on sha streams, and ant and wasp nests invariably provide a similar clue: thus a sha stream is the best location for a beehive.

Clues to the path of a sha stream in the vegetable world include lightning-struck trees, dead or stunted gaps in hedges and avenues of trees, infertile fruit trees, cankers, and strangely twisted trees, often leaning away from the midline of a sha stream but in the direction of current flow. Fruit trees are the most sensitive, while oaks, ashes, redwoods and eucalyptus are more resilient, and elder trees seem to be positively attracted. Lawns will often betray bare patches, moss, silver weed and fungi, while vegetable gardens will reveal stunted or mutated growth, especially along the edge lines of the sha streams.
Wild ivy and bindweed are particularly attracted to Sha streams, and ivy-covered trees and fences are tell-tale clues to their pathways across the neighbourhood. The signature of convolvulus (bindweed) flower remedy is for tumours, and indeed the appropriate medicinal herbs for a sick person are often to be found growing in their garden along the path of a sha stream which then runs under their bed. Nettles, docks, thistles, foxgloves, ferns and nightshades also appear to thrive more in GS zones.8

Geopsychic stress and Leys

Geopsychic stress refers to disturbances in the spirit realms of a site, in the overall Genius Loci or in more specific details. Hauntings of earth-bound human ghosts and other entities, including poltergeist activity are invariably

tied to negative earth energies, most commonly but not exclusively in relation to distressed leys running through the site. Ghost and spirit release and exorcism performed without attention to cleaning up the local earth energies as part of the job can sometimes result in a new mob in the following week.
Dislocated nature spirits and disturbed landscape entities can also hold trauma to the earth’s etheric web within the landscape, and are often the bearers of emotion (apathy, grief, fear, anger, etc.) within the atmosphere of a place. Predecessor qi, or the memory of past events and traumas held within the atmosphere of a place, will be thicker and stronger with GS, and more likely to provoke recurring negative events along a similar theme.

Leys are lines of energy running over-ground in straight lines, often reflected in ancient trackway lines and alignments of prehistoric and historic sacred sites in the landscape. They can be compared and contrasted with the more yin underground water lines as a yang energy matrix associated with a moreheavenly consciousness, and are sometimes worked by human ceremonial practice at sacred sites designed and constructed at key points in the landscape along these lines. These straight spirit paths are found equally in China as elsewhere in the world, and frequently define the processional routes to major palaces, temples and cathedrals.

Leys can vary in width from a few metres to several miles wide, only the largest generally being marked by alignments of sites of spiritual and temporal power.

They have a characteristic dowsable anatomy, with a central straight overground line around which coil a pair of underground yin and yang currents. This reveals a primal ‘Caduceus’ pattern: a triple-fold axis composed of Fire, Water and Spirit currents, which may be experienced by the practising geomancer as containing information in the thinking, feeling and subtle entity realms respectively.
Appropriate for sacred sites, these energy pathways are less comfortable for secular living, and houses built on them can be a thoroughfare for all manner of spirits. Properties presenting spirit disturbances are usually found to be on one or two leys, as well as having sha underground water lines. Leys may be experienced or dowsed as running either ‘clean’ or ‘dirty’, and distressed leys are traditionally associated with hauntings, possessions, house fires and burglaries. When stressed, their outer edge lines are particularly uncomfortable, as with sha water lines.

They carry spirit information and energy of various types and levels, and can be worked via key points either as part of a programme of regular maintenance for the spiritual hygiene of a land (e.g. regular community religious ceremonies), or as a specific therapeutic action.

Sha Streams: remedies

There is much that can be done to ameliorate or remove GS arising from disturbed underground water veins, and protocols can be divided into three types: avoiding, shielding and curative.
‘Avoiding’ generally involves either not building there in the first place, or moving the bed away from the zones of disturbance, having identified them with Heaven Pool needle, dowsing rods or latterly scintillometer and geomagnetometer. This is the ideal short-term solution, however it is often not practical in a typical small house.

To shield a residence from the path and effects of a sha stream, traditional Feng Shui devices include the building of a ‘dragon wall’ (a screen wall with an undulating ridge and talismanic calligraphy), the digging of a ditch or moat, planting a tree, or the burying of a protective talisman in the tai ji or at an appropriate point on the path of each stream. Modern Western methods include a layer of cork tiles placed under the bed, the careful placing of crystals, bottles of salt, copper rods, coils and ankhs, or the installation of radionic devices such as the Spiral Of Tranquillity, and Raditech, Helios and Geomack machines, generally using multi-wave oscillators, radionics or both to establish a shielding field.

Curative earth acupuncture is the treatment of choice to release landscape trauma and restore the healthy flow of qi to injured underground water or mountain dragons, transforming ‘black’ streams back to ‘white’ in the language of traditional European dowsing, or sha streams back to healthy sheng qi streams in the Feng Shui idiom. This frequently involves the insertion of wood, metal, crystal or stone needles into xue / acupoint nodes along the meridian pathways outside in the garden or surrounding land to heal and harmonize the disturbed qi.

This could be for few minutes or hours, or could be a permanent placement according to the size and nature of the underground stream, and whether there is ongoing landscape trauma occurring for example from a working quarry nearby. The sha streams are thus transformed into sheng qi streams, a therapeutic process which may include dialogue with distressed local elemental spirits and ghosts, as well as the dragons themselves. Often the spirit world will need to be addressed directly, in Heaven as well as Underground.

Follow-up visits may be desirable at three-monthly, yearly, or longer intervals to maintain the spiritual hygiene of the lines, especially in more pressured urban environments or after local foundation digging or other ground-works.

A wide range of other curative styles have been employed, from the application of flower and gem essences or symbols to selected points, through offerings and dialogue with local nature spirits and landscape angels, to ceremony, prayer, meditation and focussed visualisation and remote healing. These may be broadly classified under the heading of ‘earth acupuncture’ in as much as they all represent a therapeutic input to the local situation, gaining leverage to transform ill health via the focus through a specific point or points on the ground. What all these cures have in common is a therapeutic intention, often in a sacred ceremonial context.

Clearing the water lines will often be enough to clean any leys or stressed global geomagnetic grids locally too, at least enough to keep lower-astral entities away from the property. Leys can also benefit from direct needling, for example with an arc of three wands, one on each of the three currents.

Sometimes other nodal points on the leys, perhaps local church-yards or barrows, may also have to be visited in order to maintain continued spiritual hygiene, and cleansed certainly of sha in the water lines and perhaps of other troublesome spirits.

Fire, in the form of candles, incense, moxa, sage or a ‘bon’-fire may also be employed – the old Beacon hills of Britain can be seen as moxibustion points in the landscape for the purification of the land. They are fired at the appropriate moments in the cycle of the seasons – the Celtic fire festivals.
Permanent needles may take the form of sculptures and statues, standing stones, moving water features, or a specially planted tree. A gravestone may be seen as a style of earth acupuncture needle, balancing the yin qi of the corpse with a yang form to reunite the qi of Heaven and Earth. On a larger scale, pagodas, temples, mosques, synagogues, churches and cathedrals all function as earth acupuncture needles to the same effect.

Earth acupuncture for GS has always been an integral if esoteric part of Feng Shui practice, and is echoed by traditional geomantic, shamanic and religious practices from all around the world. Across Europe, ringing the local church bells used to be traditional practice to ward off impending lightning strikes, effectively using sound to ‘ring clean’ the local earth energy currents within the parish.
Traditional earth acupuncture techniques to promote the flow of qi in a blocked meridian under a house will generally have an instantaneous effect in dispelling an associated accumulation of radon. Where the radon concentration derives from sha streams the effect is usually permanent as long as the streams remain healthy and free-flowing. With geological faults, a pair of stone needles on either side of the building may need to be left in place permanently to draw off charge, as well as physical building construction measures to protect the house from radon gas.

If the causal traumas can be successfully released from the earth meridians, the cure should be permanent. However, especially in urban environments there is so much ongoing disturbance to the ground, not to mention electro- and other pollution inputs, that regular (perhaps yearly) check-ups and/or the installation of shielding devices in addition may be desirable. Whilst it is laudable that in some parts of Europe a housing development is no longer permitted without having had a dowser first survey the land, this still begs the question of what geomantic disturbances the building construction may then cause.

Earth Acupuncture Case Histories

1. A dairy farm near Airdrie, Scotland.
The entire herd had been twice slaughtered in the previous two years as a result of brucellosis. Fertility was very low with no female calves born. Dowsing revealed four strong sha streams passing through the steel-framed cattle barns (A). At (B) a small sha stream, 3ft wide, passed directly through a calf pen in which a 3-week old calf was on death’s door, unable to stand or feed. This was pointed out to the farmer who exclaimed that the last calf kept in that pen had died a few weeks before. On carrying the calf into the next door pen, free of noxious earth radiation, it immediately drank a whole bucket of milk, and six months later was reported as completely healthy. The farmhouse (C) was haunted, and a son of the family mentally disturbed. At (D) stood an almost dead oak tree, in a poorly-drained corner of the field.

Fig 7 Farm near Airdrie Scotland

Earth acupuncture was performed at the points marked X for a total of four hours, and the problem traced to a quarry a couple of miles away. At a dramatic moment of energetic release at the end of this four-hour focus, the entire herd started mooing loudly, a chorus which they kept up for several hours.
Feedback the following year reported no more major health problems in the herd, and a big increase in fertility, with more females than males born. The ghost in the farmhouse had gone, the farmer’s son was fine, the dying oak tree was now thriving, and the corner of the field in which it stood was even draining well.

  1. Solsbury Hill, Bath.
    An old local legend maintained that the fortunes of the city of Bath were dependent on the health of Solsbury Hill, to the north-east. Following the cutting of a by-pass through the shoulder of the hill in 1995, the city experienced a dramatic economic decline, with many shops and small businesses closing down. The suburb of Larkhall had its first ever outbreak of burglary and vandalism. Dowsing revealed that two major Ley Dragon meridians had been severed on their course from Solsbury Hill, through Larkhall, to Bath Abbey and the Circus respectively.
Fig 8 Ley Dragons disturbed by the cutting of a by pass at Solsbury Hill near Bath

In May 1996 four sandstone Cairns were raised on either side of the road cutting, on the mid-lines of the leys, aimed at restoring the flow of qi across the road cutting. Local feedback confirmed that Larkhall’s crime outbreak ended the following week as suddenly as it had started, and Bath’s economy had picked up within a month.


  1. Quoted in Christopher Bird, The Divining Hand, Dutton, 1979.
  2. Ong Hean-Tatt, Amazing Scientific Basis of Feng Shui, Kuala Lumpur: Eastern Dragon Press, 1997, p.336.
  3. Dr. L Wieger S.J., Chinese Charactersv (Trans. Davroux L.), 1927, 1965 (2nd Ed.) New York: Dover & Paragon, pp.65, 126, 290.
  4. Diagram from Anthony Scott-Morley, Journal of Alternative Medicine, May 1985.
  5. Rolf Gordon, Are You Sleeping in a Safe Place?, Dulwich Health Society, 1988.
  6. Freiherr Gustav von Pohl, Earth Currents – as Pathogenic Agents for Illness and the Development of Cancer, Freich Verlag, Feucht, 1983.
  7. Kathe Bachler, Earth Radiation, Wordmasters, 1989.
  8. Richard Creightmore, Geopathic Stress, 2008, in Dowsing Today – The Journal of the British Society of Dowsers, 41 300-302, 42 303-304, 5 parts. [A comprehensive article on geopathic stress, with extensive bibliography, also available at the author’s website:]



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