The new zodiac animal of the Chinese horoscope, the new ruler of the world, who will hold office for twelve months is the Metal Rat; or in the ba zi system (Four Pillars of Destiny)…
Author: Senior Master Jacek Kryg
As a graduate of one of the most elite schools of feng shui (Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai Center of Excellence), most of his time is spent on consultations and lectures of feng shui in its most original form, with full regard to Chinese Astrology, the Four Pillars of Destiny and Yijing (Book of Changes). The late Senior Master Jacek is also the founder and main tutor of School without Borders, which is devoted to the wide spectrum of Chinese culture, in which training at different levels has already benefited over 1,000 students. His feng Shui practice leads him to consult at both home and abroad in countries such as Austria, Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and the Ukraine. As a feng shui advisor he works for many large reputable companies, small businesses and home owners. Many organizations, state-owned companies, private, social and informal structures, as well as various interest groups, including unions, recommend his lectures to enhance knowledge borrowed from the East. Since 2007 Jacek has been a member of the Executive Committee of the International Feng Shui Association (IFSA) and in 2013 he was re-elected for a further 2 year term.