Let’s explore one of the most popular and powerful Feng Shui tools, the humble mirror. It’s usually the first cure we learn to use. However, feng shui mirror placement is very important; incorrect placement of mirror can attract negative energy.
Traditional Eastern Philosophy bases life potential on the observances of three kinds of luck. Heaven Luck is Astrology and based on the first breath we take. Man Luck is what the I- Ching and other destiny systems suppose we create, based on our actions. And lastly there is Earth Luck, which is Feng Shui.
Coming from opened windows and doors, Ch’i meanders in and comes to rest at walls and heavy furnishings. This is the interpretation of wind (the incoming chi) and water (the pathways it travels). In Flying Stars Feng Shui we predict the alchemy created as energies combine or meet. You may think of this process like a bio-rhythm between our homes, current time and ourselves.
Flying Stars analysis is dependent on our home’s surrounding land, the orientation of the home, its interior layout and the progression of time. First we observe how energy enters and then how it reacts to shapes, colours, elements and the pathways inside. After this occurs, we consider those reactions and make attempts to harmonize them for the benefit of all, particularly where we sleep and rest. Feng Shui is not simply about hanging crystals, mirrors or other trinkets, and it is not, merely about creating power and wealth.
Mirrors the facts
Mirrors reflect, refract and collect light. They have the power to lighten a space, make it seem larger, create a sense of movement and also give us a chance to observe the person we see. That’s the science behind the usage of mirrors. The art of mirror placement is that we have a decorative opportunity to create a more yang environment when a space is too yin. The metaphysical aspect of mirror placement is that we create an illusion that serves as medicine for healing a space, because in Feng Shui, symbolism has an effect on both the perception of human belief and its noted to affect the personality of resident chi.
Let’s start simplistically. If one were to have a mirror in line with the opening of the main door and its reflection was the first thing one saw upon entering, then the intensity of chi would be blocked and would reflect back out. That isn’t a good thing. However, if the mirror was placed on a flanking wall, near the door, chi would have an opportunity to bounce around and be able to be carried into the rest of the home. That is what is ideal. A home without new breath becomes stagnant. One hopes that the quality of incoming breath has healing and beneficial qualities.
Reading do’s and don’ts about mirror placement isn’t always an exact guideline.
Mirrors are representative of the Water element. Therefore they would do well where Water support is needed. So consider if you need to lighten, enhance or brighten an area, then use a mirror that isn’t chipped, distorted or gives an awkward reflection.
• A general rule is that mirrors are helpful in the East and South East because they are inherently Wood natured energies and Water is supportive.
• They’re also fine in the North because both are Water.
• Caution is advised in the South West and North East as both are Earth Elements. Ramifications are troubling relationships in the SW or poor learning in the NE.
• Finally the Fire element of the South could damage reputations because of a mirror’s Water symbology
If you already have a mirror in the South, South West or North East and circumstances are just fine, it is possible that the mirror is serving as a cog in the Five Element Theory Wheel, that is to say; Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water complete a productive cycle that fine tunes resident energies. The nine kinds of energies in all Eastern Philosophy belief, want to be supported but will also respond to being weakened for the sake of balance. It’s all about knowing how. This may sound complicated, so go by how you are feeling. If life isn’t broke, there’s no immediate need to try to fix it.
For the most part, common sense is your best directive. If an aligned mirror casts a delightful view of a lush garden – it is good. If the likeness you see is a storage wall of shelved items, the imagery isn’t pleasant and it is considered bad. Placed facing a bed, a mirror is said to disrupt good sleep. Mirrors placed to face each other, create a whirlwind of confusing, distortion and a feeling of being imbalanced. You would feel it immediately and that sensation wouldn’t be pleasant. Mirrors are meant to calm a space and bring a sense of refreshment. What you choose to surround yourself with, literally reflects on you.
If you have antiqued, distorted glass mirrors, consider placing plants or airy decorative items in front of them, so you can benefit from the refraction yet remain shielded from harmful chi. Most certainly, if you’ve placed a mirror in such a way that all you see is your feet or the top of your head, then know that this isn’t the intention of a cure. Better to see none of yourself than fragmented sections.
As for concave, convex and bagua mirrors, you’ll find most Masters will assert that these styles of mirrors be reserved only for outside. Well, in my humble opinion, if the purpose of a distorted mirror of any kind is meant to bounce back a poison arrow and if you too, can gaze upon it, then inevitably all chi could be jeopardized. It is far better to block negative views with landscaping and structures or even by keeping those windows closed and draped.
Regardless of where you put a mirror, know that if it isn’t clean and clear, it won’t benefit you in anyway. For the most part, interior design and creature comforts make this business of living life more enjoyable. Mirrors when used properly elicit a good feeling and sense of spaciousness.
When it comes right down to it, mirrors simply validate that we are all, subject to what we see.