Feng Shui and Traditional Chinese Medicine share many common theories – Ch’i ‘Energy’, Yin and Yang ‘Positive and Negative’ and the Five Elements to name a few.

The Chinese art of Tai Ch’i Chuan – more than meets the eye
We are all familiar with the classic images of tai ch’i chuan being practised in Chinese parks but, integral with these slow, graceful movements lies a method of self-defence that is beneficial for mind, body and spirit It has been said that Chinese philosophy can be likened to a tree: you pick a leaf, it connects to a branch which connects to a trunk and roots which spread through the earth to other trees and…
Qi Men Dun Jia Outlook for October 2022
The solar month Geng Xu 庚戌 begins on the 8th of October 2022. Its first day Jia Wu 甲午 coincides with the 13th day of the 9th lunar month. In Qi Men Dun Jia the pillar Jia Wu 甲午 is represented by heavenly stem Xin 辛, Yin Metal. It is a symbol of value, stocks, precious metals, and jewellery. It can also represent sharp objects, such as needles or knives, toxins, weapons and the like.…
The Mysterious Underground Energies
Geopathic Stress and Earth Acupuncture The Emperor Da Yu (born. 2205 BC) depicted in a Han Dynasty Bas Relief: “Yu (founder) of the Xia Dynasty was a master in the science of the earth (Xiang Di) and in those matters concerning water veins and springs; he was well acquainted with the Yin principle and, when required, built dams”. This is perhaps the earliest illustration of the use of a divining rod. The surface of the…

2020 Western Astrology Outlook A New Astrological Era
Western astrology as well as Vedic Astrology, uses the planets, the zodiac, stars and movement of these to predict the future. A central principle of astrology is integration within the cosmos. This is analyses using techniques of western astrology to answer - When will the medical impact COVID-19 end? Answer: End of Dec 2020. In addition, this is why...Lockdown has been busy with WFH (working from home), but on weekends I have been taking lessons…

The Chinese Year ‘Geng Zi’ or the Metal Rat. Health Forecast 2020
It is the Chinese Year ‘Geng Zi’, often referred to as the Metal Rat. In the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine there is an ancient Chinese system of calculation known as the Five Movements and Six Qi (Chi). With this, ancient physicians were able to forecast the climate and as a result of that, potential illnesses for the year ahead. This article will give a brief description of the method and a simplified explanation how…

Feng Shui, Five Elements and Food Therapy The Yin and Yang of Food
Food can both positively and negatively affect our health. ‘Shi Zhi’ or Chinese Food Therapy is the idea that food is medicine and can treat illness, just like the understanding that in Feng Shui the environment can affect health for the better or worse and be used as a remedy. Like Feng Shui, Food Therapy is based on an understanding of Yin Yang and the Five Elements. Yin and Yang in Food Therapy is temperature,…

The Art of Tea Where there’s tea, there’s hope
Now and Zen - tea tales from around the world by Nadia Raafat It can be a cool summer tonic or a winter warming drink. Some would even describe it as an elixir in a glass - synonymous with tranquillity. But no matter how you steep it, the drink remains the same - tea. Earl Grey, Lapsong Souchong, jasmine, Assam, Ceylon, breakfast blend and afternoon; while these tea types and blends are on most tea…

Dragons of the East and West The Dragon and the part it plays in Feng Shui
The powerful yet beneficial dragons of Eastern mythology form a complete contrast to the fire-breathing monsters of Western legends In East Asia, dragon myths have a totally different origin from those that developed in the West, and they therefore cannot be seen as the same creatures. East Asian dragons are benevolent and are much more friendly and well-meaning than those in the West. In both Chinese and Japanese culture, dragons have similar representations and enjoy…

Location and Health – A Chinese Medicine Perspective How Does Location affect our Health
The therapeutic system most closely linked to Feng Shui is Chinese Medicine, the two share an identical philosophical basis. n an ancient Chinese text known as the ‘Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine’ an entire chapter, the twelfth, is devoted to the effects of location on health. More than 2000 years ago when this, the first medical book in history was written, it was already known that the land you lived upon could directly affect your…

Shiatsu Body Ch’i Putting Pressure on Your Points
Do you give a Shiatsu about your body? If so this ancient Japanese healing art could be for you. Nadia Raafat and Laurie Davidson look at the two leading styles. You say Shiatsu-Do 'I have a client who's been coming for a Shiatsu massage every week for 12 years,' says Hilary Totah, principle of The British School of Shiatsu-Do, 'and you know what she said to me? She said: "I have two great pleasures in…

YIn and Yang Food Or the Search for the Perfect Bowl
The quest for the perfect bowl of Vietnamese Chicken Soup took me around the World. Little did I suspect I would find my Holy Grail in a London backyard Garden t was cold, foggy and the wind was blowing through the Golden Gate - a typical San Francisco summer's day - when I had my first bowl. It was Cork's idea. I was going through a break-up of a marriage and felt as bad as…

Stressed Out by Geopathic Stress Sleep Disturbed? It could be Geopathic Stress
Most of you may have heard about the controversy surrounding the detrimental Health effects associated with living in close proximity to mobile phone masts. You've probably also heard about power lines and the possible health dangers associated with using a mobile phone for long periods of time. ndeed many studies have been done, linking electromagnetic radiation to cancer and leukaemia. But have you heard about geopathic stress? In many European countries having a survey for…

Chinese Herbal Medicine Prevention is Better than Cure
We’ve all heard of feng shui for the home but what about applying the theory behind feng shui to the body? Traditional Chinese herbal medicine can treat an array of illnesses and provides primary healthcare for millions of people. Nikoletta Stamatatos looks at how it works Stepping into a Chinese herbal medicine clinic can be a dazzling, even bewildering, experience. Every wall is lined with display cases containing remedies from appetising tangerine peel to the…

The Secrets of Acupressure Under Pressure
Acupressure shares the same stable as acupuncture and other forms of Chinese traditional healing therapies. Jon Sandifer explains that, unlike acupuncture, it is relatively easy to learn and you can practise it on yourself hroughout time, as human beings, we have brought comfort to others through touch. We also constantly and instinctively rub and press parts of our bodies to relieve aches and pains. So the beauty and simplicity of acupressure is that it brings…

Acupuncture Web of Life Body Ch'i Pins and Needle Therapy
These days it's not a matter of whether Chinese Acupuncture works, but how, Nadia Raafat sharpens her courage for a jab at Needle Therapy eedles are not my idea of fun. I do not equate needles with relaxation. I equate needles with pain. That's why I was not exactly taking short cuts as I threaded my way through the streets of Notting Hill to attend my first Chinese Medicine acupuncture session. As acupuncture's remedial…

You Are What You Eat The Ch’i of Food
Food is literally the life-giving energy, the ch’i , that sustains us all. But ch’i is not only associated with the intrinsic properties of the food, but also with the way it is cooked. Jon Sandifer tells us about the Ch'i of food he trend over the last 100 years has been to examine food’s properties on a microscopic level. What is the molecular structure of food? What is the fat, carbohydrate, protein and vitamin…

Acupuncture and Feng Shui Getting to the Point with Acupuncture
‘Huang Tang, Pu Huan Yao’ – an old Chinese saying meaning ‘Change the soup’s essence whilst retaining the water’. Royston Low (PhD) explains the connections between Feng Shui and Acupuncture hat which is active is yang, the kinetic expression of the yin potential, and the yang rays of Heaven radiated downwards to react with the slumbering yin of the Earth and humans were the result of that union. The Five Elements The cosmic influences…

Different Art, Same Aim – Vaastu Shastra and Feng Shui The Vedic Science Of Architecture
Many ancient traditional cultures share similar root beliefs and develop remarkably parallel practices. Practitioner of both Vaastu Shastra and Feng Shui, Kajal Sheth examines the similarities and differences between these two historic arts Traditional cultures have a keen understanding and respect for nature. They are mindful that living and working in harmony with natural forces results in a life of happiness and well-being while disregard of these causes struggle and strife. In recent years, the…

Mother Nature’s Diet Inner Feng Shui
A natural and healthy diet can bring its own rewards. We may already have all the right ingredients but need to rethink how we can combine them for maximum nutritional benefit says Way Long Soo Food and drink nurture life. But if one does not know that the nature of substances may be opposed to each other, and one consumes them all together indiscriminately, the vital organs will be thrown out of harmony and disastrous consequences soon arise.…