Feng Shui is a Chinese tradition that seeks to create a balanced and harmonious environment by aligning the energies within your home. It is a complex practice that involves the interpretation of an energy map of a home, like a horoscope, which reveals how the energy in a home may impact the occupants. This interpretation and analysis is a technical process, and the results are specific to each home.
Playing a significant role in impacting your physical and emotional health, as well as your relationships is the layout and arrangement of your bedroom. Various Feng Shui guidelines can be applied to enhance the energy in your bedroom for improved relationships, health and overall well-being.
Create a peaceful bedroom: A bedroom should be a place of rest and relaxation. To create a peaceful environment, choose calming colours and soft, warm lighting. Decorate with the things you love, and avoid displaying unwanted items in your bedroom.
Keep your bedroom clutter-free: Avoid storing things in cupboards and drawers you don’t need, like or use. Clutter prevents energy from flowing freely, and is known as the enemy of Feng Shui, negatively impacting your mindset and well-being.
Position your bed correctly: Your bed is the focal point of your bedroom and should be placed in a location that maximises positive energy flow. The ideal position for your bed is along a solid wall, diagonally opposite the door. This is known as the “commanding position” and is believed to provide safety and protection while you sleep. In addition, placing your bed further away from the door generally helps to reduce disturbances.
It is important to note that positioning the foot of your bed in line with the door is considered a negative placement in Feng Shui, known as the ‘coffin position’. This is because the flow of energy entering the room through the doorway is directed towards the bed, which can be detrimental to your well-being. It is said to bring in negative energy, creating feelings of insecurity and vulnerability. If you have no choice but to sleep in this position, keep the door closed while you sleep at night.
Minimise electronic devices and active objects: Electronic devices like phones, televisions, and computers emit electromagnetic waves that negatively impact your sleep quality and mental well-being. It is best to avoid using these devices or place them as far away from your bed as possible.
Also, avoid active objects such as water features, moving clocks and fish tanks. Moving objects activate energy in a space that should otherwise be restful and peaceful.
Use curtains or blinds: Window treatments such as curtains and blinds help to regulate the light in your room and create a sense of privacy, which promotes a peaceful environment and restful sleep. Sheer curtains allow natural light to enter a bedroom while providing privacy during the day.
Welcome fresh energy into your bedroom: Open curtains and windows daily to bring fresh air and natural light to improve your health and well-being. Stale air is stagnant energy and is potentially harmful to your health.
Take care with bedroom mirrors: Mirrors reflecting the bed are considered taboo because they symbolically reflect unresolved relationship issues. Mirrors in bedrooms also bring yang energy to a space that should otherwise be yin. If a mirror in your bedroom is unavoidable, cover it while you sleep. If the mirror is a wardrobe door, consider installing a beautiful curtain that can be drawn across the mirror while you sleep at night.
Feng shui is a complex art, and a professional Feng Shui master can advise you on the best room in your home in terms of energy flow and the best place for your bed to ensure you are enjoying the best quality of sleep and health possible in your home.