The new zodiac animal of the Chinese horoscope, the new ruler of the world, who will hold office for twelve months is the Metal Rat; or in the ba zi system (Four Pillars of Destiny) it is called Geng Zi. This is not the only name for this animal however, as we can also call the coming year ‘A Rat on a Beam’ or ‘A Golden Rat’.
Under the rule of this animal, we will rejoice or mourn from Saturday, January the 25th, 2020 at 12.59, until February the 11th, 2021 at 18.45 (so says the lunar Chinese, thousand-year calendar) not only for Beijing time, but certainly ours, too.
As well as a lunar calendar, the Chinese also use a solar calendar (or Farmer’s Calendar). For that calendar the beginning of the New Year is on the 4th February beginning of the New Year on the 4th of February, 17.05 (the first day of the first lunar month, which is the month of the Tiger, Rooster hour), and for its end February the 3rd, 2021, at 18.46.
The start date of the solar year falling on 3rd, 4th or 5th of February is a fixed date for all years and makes all kinds of calculations much easier, which is the basis for various predictions, in particular ba zi and feng shui predictions. Chinese Astrologers usually use a lunar moving date, falling between January the 19th and February the 20th of any year, only as a kind of social or family event, as a day to thank for the old and celebrate the arrival of a new one. You can even say that this is a date associated with folk holidays.
The current year of Geng Zi is 4717th year of the lunar calendar, that is, consistently, the thirty-seventh year of the seventy-ninth cycle of the lunar astrology, a cycle that will end on February the 3rd, 2044. The span of its duration shows that the data, all values, trends and activities presented here will be valid not only from February the 4th till the end of 2020, but also for almost four weeks of 2021.
In Chinese Astrology, the symbol of each year consists of a zodiac animal and one of the elements. As we already know, in the coming year there will be a Rat, plus the element of yang Metal. Since the natural element of the Rat in the ba zi system is yang Water, at first glance it seems that the coming year should be without special problems, since the element of the year Metal is in good relations with the element of the Rat sign, which is Water (Metal nourishes Water).
This is a very promising relationship, but does not mean that there cannot be any trouble or dramatic situations, because other hidden tendencies will also come to the fore. Each year has its ups and downs, so this year will everyone’s life is likely to swing like a pendulum, regardless of their zodiac sign.
Looking at the time span of the reign of Metal Rat, it can be seen that this is a much longer year than last year, as it will last as long as 384 days, i.e. it will be a leap year. Some people say it will have thirteen months, but it is more accurate to say that one of the months, or more precisely the fourth month, which is the Snake period in Chinese lunar astrology, will be a double month from April the 23rd to June the 20th, 2020.
In the span of 2020, there will be two days of lin chun, i.e. two days of the beginning of spring, also known as lovers’ days (4/02/2020 and 3/02/2021). From this it follows that it is a great year for romance, marriage or seeking a child.
This is the theory associated with the first day of spring, while another, relating to the very sign of the Rat, and especially to the elements of the year, is also optimistic about possible marital happiness. In the year of Geng Zi we will have many favourable opportunities to fall in love, which bodes well for lonely people or looking for a partner.
Therefore, in the year of the Rat one should expect a clear increase in heart rate records, which may also mean a greater number of various moral scandals on the one hand, and spectacular collective weddings on the other.
The Rat himself likes to take care of family matters, although it is certainly not a sign that throws himself into the arms of Cupid without hesitation. Rats always and in every situation leave a safe escape route. Nevertheless, generally speaking, it should be recognized that 2020 will be an optimal year for entering into marriages, as well as for applying for a child. More so the Rat is one of the so-called characters of Peach Blossom, which additionally associates with eroticism.
As for marriage, feng shui experts say that in all circumstances, favourable or not, it is worth asking a specialist who will take into account the personal data of future spouses, and the value of Tong Shu (almanac), which additionally indicates a favourable day to start a new way of life. Not only when getting married, it is worth taking care of the time aspect, in a shortened form presented at the end of our forecast.
It is also worth adding that a double month is not the best month for entering into relationships or any other significant activities. One could even say that this is a defective month in which special laws apply, because it causes problems in various calculations.
As I have already mentioned, in Chinese, the Rat is called (after the Branch) Zi in the ba zi system, while in classical astrology it is called Shu (literally the animal the rat), and is a completely different ideogram. The Rat is marked with the number 1 (the first sign of the cycle), corresponding to Sagittarius in solar Astrology, the geographical direction north (N2, i.e. the section between 352.5o – 7.5o on the compass), the month December (this is the Chinese eleventh month) and a double hour from 23.01 to 1.00 (except that the first hour is the so-called early Rat and the second is the late Rat).
This sign is also attributed to many other values, events and objects whose increase in significance should be predicted with high probability. All these data are of great importance for determining what counts in the coming year, what to expect, etc. So, the following countries are associated with the Rat: South Africa, China, Japan, Tibet, Greece, Turkey, Albania, former Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Congo. It can therefore be assumed that many interesting, or rather surprising things will happen in these countries or in connection with them.
Some precious and decorative gemstones are associated with individual years under the influence of Chinese zodiac animals. Garnet, diamond and amethyst are associated with the Rat. This means that these starting materials may prove to be the best for the “production” of pendants, ornaments, talismans or sculptures. Not because of the current fashion, but because of this year’s vibrations that will be in harmony with the vibrations of the entire universe.
You can also look at it slightly differently, stating that this year’s human need will be “charging” with this type of energy. This statement also applies to the Metal Rat colours, which are red, yellow, orange (this is associated with the so-called melodic element of the year) and green, as well as to painting, weaving, construction blocks and car gadgets, favoured by this sign.
Also inventions or civilization gains are associated with the signs of the zodiac. The Rat is credited with inventing or constructing transistors, long-playing discs, CDs, communication satellites, laser, stainless steel, gasoline, self-winding watches, cellophane, quantum theory, nuclear physics, X-ray crystallography, gamma radiation, uranium release or even “inventing” means of contraception.
It was in the year of the Rat that the Apple Macintosh personal computer, the first computer mouse or the first home video game, Magnavox Odyssey, was first introduced to the market. It is these things that the Rat is interested in and such or similar things should be expected from him in 2020. Let our imagination work in this and other areas, and maybe we will become excellent interpreters of the principles of astrology ourselves.
In turn, general activities related to the Rat are collecting, interior design, basketball, volleyball and everything related to construction. Therefore, some accomplishments should also be expected in these fields, although one must remember that nothing happens twice, and the only constant thing in the universe is Change.
To better understand what kind of surprises the new ruler is preparing for us, it is worth looking at the previous periods of the reign of the Rat. The years of the Rat were: 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924 or 1912, with Metal Rat being 1960 and earlier 1900.
Here are some events from previous years of the Rat. They were always “interesting” for various monarchies, or in other words, they turned out to be significant for royal families: in England, Edward VII abdicated in favour of George VI, the Dutch queen Wilhelmina abdicated in favour of Queen Juliana, and recently, in 1960, Metal Rat Princess Margaret the family married Anthony Armstrong-Jones, and in 1996 Princess Diana divorced Prince Charles. Perhaps the year of the Metal Rat will become extremely important for Prince William, who, as never before, has a great chance to take over the throne from Queen Elizabeth II.
Of course, it is necessary to follow the spirit of time and extend the affairs of royal families to the political events. Look: in 1900 the Boxer revolution broke out in China, in 1972 there were evictions of 40,000 Asians from Uganda by Idi Amin, Greece declared itself a Republic, and in the USA Richard Nixon was elected president. According to the textbooks, the most significant changes, which does not mean that they will be accompanied by bloodshed, should be expected in countries that have been assigned the Rat mark.
To best feel the atmosphere of the coming year, it is worth imposing on the events of previous years of the Rat some original artistic vision. In this vision, active Metal yang, or GREAT SWORD, is located above the yang Water, or GREAT WATER. This is best illustrated by a drawing in which a powerful weapon protrudes from a powerful rough ocean.
This image can be created not only by the elements of the year, but also by the elements of the month, day and even hour. Looking at the different years of Rat, we can see that in the history of many countries they were not very friendly to people. For example, when “the land sat on the water,” the transatlantic Titanic sank (14/04/1912), in 1228, 100,000 people died after the sinking of the Netherlands, in 1588 the Spanish armada in the area of Ireland encountered storms, which resulted in damage to people and equipment. Meanwhile, in 1888, storms on the US East Coast claimed 400 lives.
Unfortunately, despite the lack of conflict between the element and the sign of the year, it will not be a calm year. If we add that on the compass, on the opposite side of the Rat, there is a Horse, whose element is Fire, we can expect many catastrophes, both natural and resulting from human activities, related not only to water, but also to fire.
Since the natural element of the Rat is Water, and this represents transport, any trouble can manifest itself in accidents in this very important area of modern human life. Let’s look at 1996, the year of the Fire Rat (Water destroys Fire). A lot of aviation accidents happened at that time, including the one in July when the 747 TWA Boeing crashed, resulting in 230 deaths. We will return to air accidents. Therefore, pay attention to both air and sea accidents, but also to: earthquakes, landslides, collapse of buildings, intensification of the greenhouse effect, on the one hand floods (spring / summer) and storms (autumn / winter), on the other drought and fires, further on volcanic eruptions, severe climate change, ecological disasters primarily related to water in general and drinking water in particular.
Let’s go back to the years of the Metal Rat, and the last was 1960, not to frighten, but to look at the action of elements connected by Nature. In that fateful year, on May 22 in Chile, one of the most serious earthquakes and a giant tsunami occurred, which caused more than 1,600 people killed and about 2 million homeless. Another earthquake in Morocco that took place on February 29 killed more than 12,000 people, which is still a record today in terms of the country’s disasters.
As I mentioned earlier on the luo pan compass, you find a Horse on the opposite side of the Rat, whose natural element is Yang Fire. Therefore, in 2020 there will be a huge conflict between Water and Fire. Because air transport belongs to Fire, we return to air accidents. In 1960, to be exact on February 26, Alitalia crashed in Ireland, March 17 and the state of Indiana Northwest Orient Airlines, on October 24 in Nedelin in the USSR, 92 people were killed in a rocket crash, on December 16 there was an air collision in New York. In January 1961 (January is the last month of Rat), a passenger airliner in Finland and a B-52 military bomber in North Carolina crashed, that I will list only some of the most characteristic events.
And you have to remember that the same energies will also affect other areas of human life. Attempts to combine Water and Fire may, for example, relate to state or social life. Still in 1960, 17 African countries declared independence, Cyprus freed itself from British dominance, and in the US there were powerful social protests related to the activities of the Civil Rights Movement.
There was also a lot of tension between various countries, including powers. Let us also remember that in the year of the Metal Rat there is no nobility associated with the year, which means that during conflicts there will be no “angels from heaven” to protect people. We can therefore expect many victims, not individual ones.
Let’s look back to 1900, which was also the year of the Metal Rat. As I mentioned in China, there was a Boxer revolution that was very brutal. Last year, representatives of eight nations, Japan, Russia, France, the United States, Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary were embroiled in this conflict in China, which still raises many emotions. As a historical curiosity you can mention here the year 1600 (Metal Rat) when Russia invaded Manchuria, and in Japan it was probably the most famous skirmish between the Eastern Army of Tokugawa and the Western Army of Ishida deciding to take control of this country.
Complementing the threats of the year of Rat is to pay attention to road accidents. Again, this has to do with the Horse, whose destroyer is the Rat. The symbol of the horse is a travel star. What else can mean the destruction of a travel sign except traffic accidents? While addressing the subject of 1900, it is extremely inspiring and easy to understand the year of the Metal Rat to present this period in one of the older French textbooks of Chinese astrology as the most typical cluster of elements Metal / Water:
“La Belle Époque
Frenchmen known for xenophobia adore France so much that, although they do not like each other very much, they agree to a political ceasefire to admire the charm of the World Exhibition. Foreigners and people from different parts of France fall into ecstasy at the sight of this sum of ages. The first metro line starts, films are shown, the tape length reaches up to 200 meters, and the dictionary of the French Academy begins with the slogan “automobile”.
All the spheres of Paris shine with the brightest light. The characters who will later serve as role models for Proust give an extraordinary reception, while the red banner of the revolution and the black flag of anarchy flap at the funeral of old insurgent Pierre Lavrof. The famous singer Bruant takes his place on the right, but Montebus’s reforms offend the army, L’Aiglon Nationalist Writing takes Edmond Rostand to the pedestal: Tomorrow, if he wants, he will become king of France! – writes one of his admirers bravely.
At the same time, the “civilized” world bloodily suppresses the “nationalist” Chinese rebellion and plunders Beijing. Jaures is probably the only one who will be indignant: The expedition to China seems to be opening the era of fighting between continents. There is no indication that Europe is dealing only with China, perhaps one day all of Asia will experience such a shock.
Meanwhile, the French, raising their savings to the rank of the highest virtue, feel safe, because “Marseilles” is played alternately with the Russian anthem and each year they lend Russia two billion in gold, from which they will not see a single cent.
In essence, la belle époque. “
(after Catherine Aubier)
At this point, one could ask a question, which readers often ask: why do we pay so much attention to all threats that may or may not appear in any year? The answer is very obvious. Knowing that it is likely to rain, we usually arm ourselves with an umbrella and thus avoid getting wet, and instead of the beautiful nature of children sent to school, we remind you of possible dangers lurking on the road, somehow strangely trusting that they will cope with them. So why not try to deal with the threats of the coming year? One should not fall into exaggerated pessimism, but take a defensive attitude and try to anticipate the impending failure.
As has been said, the Rat is always the first sign of any astrological cycle. This means that his periods of rule are accompanied by the spirit of pioneers, i.e. people who like to start everything from the beginning. Many of us dare to start something new, to say goodbye to the old one, and make significant progress. The spirit of pioneers is also great expectations, a good deal of hope, excitement and mood changes, from euphoria to breakdowns. So let’s get ready for a quick year, a lot of changes and try to be very plastic so that changes do not leave us behind. Only such an attitude favours inventiveness (in almost every field), modifications and progress that should be the domain of the year of the Rat.
The worst this year may be for many that you will have to make decisions in the blink of an eye, which in turn may contribute to an increase in general chaos, but more local than global. Making quick decisions has no patience at all, and this may prove to be the key to a collision-free year of the Rat. Let us remember that, despite its imperfections, the year of the Metal Rat will also carry the promises of a better tomorrow and many favourable circumstances to improve the quality of life. The problem is that not everyone will be able to catch them and take advantage of their benefits. You want to make the most of this year, don’t get irritated, don’t get nervous, try to be patient and everything will work out.
Each year, the Rat carries many promises for television, communication, science and show business. After all, it was in 1936, the year of the Fire Rat, that the BBC began regular broadcasts for the first time, and sixty years after that, cable television started. Therefore, one should expect almost complete abandonment of analogue television in favour of digital as well as generally understood communication and scientific progress. Scientific in the simplest and most general sense of the word. Simply, we and our children and grandchildren will be more eager to search for something new and usual, read books and learn both valuable and trivial things.
The rat is a family sign and, despite many threats, will always find time to take care of loved ones. Unfortunately, Rat’s family feelings are not selfless. Each of us will feel, more or less clearly, that you must pay back in one form or another for the sense of security that a family gives. Nevertheless, during the most difficult periods, the family will be a consolation, which cannot always be said about friends, peer group or social groups.
We learned the values that are associated with the sign of the Rat, including its active Water. So it’s time to get to know the features of the element of the year, and this element is Metal in the yang characteristic. As you might guess, this element is more aggressive than other elements. In ba zi if someone by birth is Metal yang it means that he is a true warrior, which means leader at work.
In the image of the GREAT SWORD, the whole characteristics of this element appear. It can defend people, but it is also an extraordinary threat. When it comes to the features of an ordinary person, Metal yang symbolizes loyalty, honesty, reliability and a deep sense of justice. On the other hand, it is a symbol of war, a tendency to solve problems by force, and can even be a symbol of brutal murder.
In the company of the Water of the Rat mark, such a cold and unheated relationship can lead to ideological conflicts, to protests and demonstrations, to riots related to social injustice and lack of equality. Because autumn is associated with the Metal element, it may be quite the escalation of the problems mentioned here in its months.
Every year, and not just the one where the elemental conflict occurs, there are threats to loss of health and vitality. In the year of the Metal Rat, and Metal in traditional Chinese medicine is attributed to the lungs, skin and nose, and Water kidneys, urinary and genital system, the most common health problems will include: kidney problems, genitals, mental issues and breathing. The lack of a strong fire and, above all, supporting Metal Earth in the birth chart can also result in problems with the circulation and digestive system. It will not be a health year, and climate change can only reinforce the emerging periodic threats.
Let’s finish the passage about health with something positive. Despite, or perhaps thanks to, various health complications, however, medicine or health care should benefit the most in Geng Zi in a year. According to the textbooks, one of the most important and most significant health conventions in the world took place in Singapore in the year of the Rat. Let us hope that this positive aspect of the Metal Rat year will be fully realized in the coming year, solving the important problem facing modern civilization.
When it comes to economic matters, one should expect a year in which a lot will happen but rather with a downward trend. The speed of the year can help some people make a fortune (not always fairly), but smaller and larger falls will dominate. The problem, and even more so than it was last year, will be the lack of the element of Fire, which is simply ordinary optimism. The Metal and Water Union that is taking place this year cools all activities, the culmination of which we will see in autumn and winter. Summer (Fire) will spare us a bit, but we will not get Fire from the sixty-year cycle until 2025, when the rule of the Snake will come (the natural element Fire yin). Therefore, this is not a year for extravaganza and ill-considered actions, although the general trends resulting from the beginning of the new cycle and the atmosphere of pioneering, at least on the surface, seem to be optimistic. The Metal Rat has more to offer to industries and activities associated with Fire, Earth and Metal (aviation, IT, finance, electronics, medicine, advertising, insurance, media, work on stage, metallurgy, jewellery) than those that belong to Wood or Water (animal husbandry, agriculture, sea fishing, antique trade, and religious “industry”).
Summing up the forecasts for the year of Metal Rat, it should be emphasized that it will be a variable year, once we will be on the top, once at the bottom. It will be a year of mental trouble, stress, disappointed expectations and lost excellent opportunities. A year of somewhat secretive optimism, but a return to life in the family and broadly understood. If you want to be tempted to show an effective remedy that would make our lives easier, they would be symbolic figurines or images of Buffaloes, because Buffalo is a secret friend of the Rat.
In second place one should use skilful manipulation of the element Earth (porcelain products, natural stones, crystals, glass products), which will limit and balance Metal-assisted Water power. Many Chinese textbooks for 2020 also mention the miraculous effects of jade or gold taels (Chinese gold unit), but these Chinese gold bars if made of other material, and even painted, are also supposed to have extraordinary impact.