Windows, like doors, invite the nourishing influences of sunlight and air into our space. They connect our private lives to the outside world. Living without natural light, your view of the outside world easily becomes…
Luxurious Lacquerware Ways Great feng shui ideas with that lacquered look
For a touch of opulence and elegant style bring the Orient to your home with beautiful lacquerware. One of the most beautiful but labour-intensive crafts in existence has to be lacquerware. From its origins in…
Investigating the BaZi of Julian Assange WikiLeaks founders Chinese Astology revealed
We Investigate the changing fortunes of Julian Assange the founder of WikiLeaks. Dr. Jin Peh analyses his BaZi Chart to reveal it's secrets. Julian Assange, the Australian founder of the website WikiLeaks was arrested at…
Using Feng Shui to Sell your House All the Right Moves
When it comes to selling a property, anything that can speed the process along is usually most welcome. As prospective buyers tramp around your premises, wouldn't it be good to know that all the energies…
The Art of Tea Where there’s tea, there’s hope
Now and Zen - tea tales from around the world by Nadia Raafat It can be a cool summer tonic or a winter warming drink. Some would even describe it as an elixir in a…
How the 12 Chinese Zodiac Signs got their names Animal Talk
Anyone can work out which animal sign on the Chinese Zodiac represents them, based on their year of birth, but the story of how each animal got its name is intriguing. Derek Walters explains Stop…
The Origins Of The Eight Trigrams Feng Shui & The I Ching
According to legend, the Sage and Emperor Fu Hsi discovered the pa kua or Eight Trigrams as markings on the shell of a tortoise. From these he is said to have created the ancient divination…
Water Ch’i Going with the Flow
Water is the basis of all life on earth. Little wonder then that the ancient Chinese revered it as an essential part of the universe. Nikoletta Stamatatos goes in search of the source of life…
Rami Malek’s Bohemian Rhapsody A Four Pillars of Destiny Analysis
Rami Malek just made history as the first actor of Egyptian heritage to win an Academy Award for Best Actor. Using the Four Pillars of Destiny system of Chinese Astrology, it can be seen why…
Maximise your Love Life using Feng Shui Let there be Love
With the Chinese New Year falling between January 21 and February 20 and Valentines Day on the 14th of February, there is much to celebrate this time of the year Is Valentine’s Day approaches the…