Being rich doesn’t cost much. Helen Oon tells us how to make our fortunes he Chinese view wealth in a much more philosophical way than people in the west. Wealth is not only about big…
Yin and Yang the T’ai Ch’i Which way should one Draw the T'ai Ch'i
This is the famous T’ai Ch'i symbol, representing many of the basic ideas of Taoist philosophy, some of which are outlined below. However, one question that often arises is: Taking a look at the wide…
Taoism – In the Beginning A closer look at Shamanism
In previous issues we have looked briefly at the philosophical roots or aspects of Taoism. In this issue we look at the religious and shamanistic aspect of Taoism that has developed into what we know…
12 Top Feng Shui Kitchen Tips Recıpe for Success
Getting your kitchen’s feng shui correct will invite good health and prosperity says Jane Purr. Nadia Raafat compiles the top 12 feng shui tips for revitalising your kitchen itchens and food preparation areas in feng…
Shiatsu Body Ch’i Putting Pressure on Your Points
Do you give a Shiatsu about your body? If so this ancient Japanese healing art could be for you. Nadia Raafat and Laurie Davidson look at the two leading styles. You say Shiatsu-Do 'I have…
YIn and Yang Food Or the Search for the Perfect Bowl
The quest for the perfect bowl of Vietnamese Chicken Soup took me around the World. Little did I suspect I would find my Holy Grail in a London backyard Garden t was cold, foggy and…
Stressed Out by Geopathic Stress Sleep Disturbed? It could be Geopathic Stress
Most of you may have heard about the controversy surrounding the detrimental Health effects associated with living in close proximity to mobile phone masts. You've probably also heard about power lines and the possible health…
12 Steps to Feng Shui Success in Your Office Take Control at Work
Take control at work by using our step-by-step guide to the right feng shui for your office. Helen Oon offers tips and advice to make the most of your opportunities in the workplace The Chinese…
The Lo shu Magic Square Part 6
In this issue we look at the connections between the lo shu magic square, colours and the associated 'flying stars' which can augur good or bad fortune s we know from the last issue, the…
The Lo shu Magic Square Part 5
In this issue we continue to look at the practical application of the magic lo shu square. Last month we looked at your best and worst Directions. This month we will look at your best…