Your Comments

Letters Edition 4

Harmonise Your Home

Many thanks and congratulations on a wonderful magazine. As a beginner I can find the
subject quite confusing and so am pleased to have an understandable guide. I want to purchase some plants to harmonise my home. Can you advise me of any round-leafed plants that I should purchase?
H Ashwell, Essex, UK

Plants are a very good way to harmonise your home. There are many round-leafed plants available which you can use. Avoid sharp- pointed leaves, like Yucca or cactus and use succulent plants one of the best plants to use is the money plant.

A School With A View


I became interested in feng shui about two years ago but have only ever dabbled in it.
I have such a busy lifestyle that I never seem to get the time to really get into it in any depth. However my husband surprised me on my birthday last year and ordered me a year’s subscription of your magazine which I am thoroughly enjoying. I still feel confused as there seems to be several viewpoints; could you please explain?
G Jackman, Milton Keynes, UK

We are constantly asked about the various schools of feng shui. So much so that the beginners section in this issue is dedicated to explaining the main differences between traditional feng shui and the Black Hat Sect, which is where most of the confusion arises. Take a look at page 21, which provides a clear comparison between the two methods.

Navigating With Feng Shui

Please could you tell me if the compass directions referred to in all the articles in your magazine are feng shui tradition with South at the top or Western method with North at the top?
M Bennett, Middlesex, UK

This is a common question with a simple answer. North is always magnetic North, South is always magnetic South. You can not change a magnet. South is traditionally shown in Chinese
texts at the top of the page. The difference is not one of method but simply the way up the illustration is on the page.

Course Advice

I recently qualified in interior design and would be very keen to include feng shui into my projects. You listed some courses available in England to study various aspects of feng shui but sadly there appears to be none in Northern or Southern Ireland. Could you please advise me of any courses here, as I feel they would prove to be very popular.
P Fergusson, Newtownards, UK

To date we have not been advised of any courses in Ireland or details of any consultant in the region. However keep an eye on the courses page, which are constantly updated with forthcoming courses.

Cutting Ch’i In The Bedroom

For the past two to three years both my husband and I have suffered from neck problems and shoulder tension. We have one of those bedrooms with a cupboard above the head of the bed, which I’ve heard is a major source of cutting ch’i. We’re debating whether we should remove it. I would be interested in your thoughts and I’m looking forward to some improvement in our health.
S Pryor, Wiltshire, UK

A cupboard above the head of the bed is very bad feng shui. It creates downward pressure on your head in the form of negative ch’i energy which may well have contributed to your neck and shoulder problems. To overcome this problem you should pull the bed out from the cupboard, so the head of the bed is no longer underneath the cupboard. Alternatively as you have suggested, remove the cupboard altogether. You should feel the difference almost immediately.

Heaven’s Above

On page 56 in your May issue, I couldn’t help noticing that there appeared to be an error in the article titled The Eight Ancient Trigrams. The Early Heaven Sequence and the Later Heaven Sequence illustrations seem to have changed. Was this a genuine error or have I been taught incorrectly? Can you please explain. Congratulations on your excellent magazine. It was well overdue.
C Boschetti, London, UK

Unfortunately, we have to admit that we got it wrong in this article. As you correctly highlighted, we got the captions the wrong way round for the Early Heaven Sequence and the Later Heaven Sequence on page 56. We sincerely apologise for any confusion caused. Feng shui is a complicated subject, and it is up to us here at FSML to bring this subject to you in the clearest possible way, to avoid any confusion. Mea culpa!

Mirror, Mirror On The Wall

Congratulations on your magazine. It makes a welcome change from the usual home decoration titles. I recently had a feng shui consultation and was told to hang three pa kua mirrors inside my home. However Michael Oon’s article on pa kua mirrors in the May issue has left me feeling slightly uneasy and I would like some clarification.
L Ferguson, Kent, UK

The pa kua mirror is a powerful tool in feng shui and should be used with caution. It is used for protection and should never be in the house. It is usually hung outside the house, sometimes above the main door to protect the home or building from sha ch’i. Never use the yin pa kua mirror inside the home. This applies even to the pa kua mirrors which have a different sequence of trigrams to either the Early Heaven or Later Heaven sequence.






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